How will the weather effect your garden water features as winter looms?
The chances of a late Indian Summer now look slim as forecasters warn that Autumns first storms could be seen next week. It is likely to be followed by floods and tornadoes in October, while winter's big freeze could start in November.
August was also the wettest month for a year, with rainfall up 30 per cent at close to 100mm, and one of the dullest Augusts ever recorded, with only 150 hours of sunshine.
Bearing all this in mind its time to add the finishing touches to your garden and also in the back of your mind start to plan ahead for when the weather turns and the temperature drops.
Last year saw temperatures drop to record lows, in the Scottish Highland a low of -27.5 degree was recorded.
Protecting items in your garden during winter is important. We suggest that all garden water features are completley drained of water and covered with a winter protection cover. Our best selling covers manufactured by Kelkay come in three sizes, Small, Medium and Large. We also offer Henri Studio winter protection covers.
If you can and the wiring allows you take the feature indoors to store during the winter months. This will prolong its life and mean that chances of any frost/ice damage are removed. Do remember though that even in a garage temperatures can drop below freezing point so the water will need to be removed from the water feature.
Its also a good time to clean the feature meaning that when the seaon begins again in February/March 2012 the feature can be put back into its place in your garden. Water Features can be cleaned with our Fountain Grime and Lime Cleaner and if you need to replace any bulbs we have both 5 watt and 10 watt spare bulb and covers packs.
If you have any questions about storing your water feature over the winter please email our customer care team and we can send you storage suggestions, email:
UK Water Features have the largest range of Indoor Water Features and Outdoor Water Features, fast free delivery on all orders over £40.00.