Prepare your water feature for the winter months ahead
Its coming to that time of year again where you need to think about preparing your fountain for the winter months again.
We always suggest removing all the water from your water feature and cleaning it out before covering with one of our fountain protection covers. These covers are frost proof and come with a draw string at the base enabling a snug fit. Protection Covers come in three sizes,Small, Medium and Large.
Removing the water will prevent water from potentially freezing and expanding which damage fountains and cause water to leak out once filled back up with water.
When emptying your water feature it maybe worth using Fountain Grime and Lime to remove any limescale or algae.
If you have a water feature where the reservoir is dug into the ground these can also be prepared for the winter by either removing the water or adding a plastic bottle of ball into the reservoir to prevent the water freezing completely.
Visit our water feature Care Section for range of winter care products.