Tips to Keep Your Water Clean

It is important for all pond and water feature owners to be aware how crucial it is to keep your water clean, to help with the optimum running of your feature and the importance of good quality water in a pond habitat.
Don’t forget we have some great Care and Maintenance Products available on our UK Water Features website that we’ll talk about later.
Because keeping clean pond and water feature water can be challenging, we want to share some handy tips in this blog that will make this job a little easier for you.
Keep a Healthy Fish Population
If you keep fish in your pond, make sure it isn’t getting over populated. This will ensure a better standard of living for the fish as well as reduce the chance of fish waste causing an imbalance in the water. There are some great tools online that will help you to calculate the amount of fish you can have per gallon of water or per square foot of pond.
Also, don’t over feed your fish as any uneaten food will be left to decay at the bottom of the pond. Fish should generally be fed once per day and given no more than they can eat in 2—3 minutes.
Choose the Right Size Pump for Your Pond
You should be circulating your pond’s water volume around once every hour. It is important to make sure your pump’s flow isn’t restricted by any debris, so ensure you clear this regularly, and be careful not to pump water higher than it was intended. We have a wide range of Pond Pumps on our website, so make sure you select the correct pump for your pond.
We also have a handy guide to help you select the right product, check out Which Pump Is Right For My Pond? on our UK Water Features website.
Clean Debris From the Pond
To expand slightly on the previous point, it is important to clear any debris fallen into your pond before it has chance to decay. Decaying debris, along with fish waste and any leftover fish food in the pond can cause ammonia levels to spike in your pond.
Keep Water Features Algae Free
To help keep your water feature looking fresh and in tip top condition, make sure you clean the water regularly. This can be done with one of our great cleaning products, such as our Fountain Fresh. For this product simply add 25ml to your water feature every 2 weeks between May and September, and then every 4 weeks during the rest of the year. This can be used as a guide as to how often you should treat your water feature water.
Water features and fountains that are sat in the sun will collect more algae so every so often it’s beneficial to perform a full clean on your fountain. To do this unplug your feature and drain all the water from it. Use a cleaning rag to wipe down the feature and depending on the material, use a soft bristle brush to scrub at any tougher algae.
We stock products such as Stainless Steel Water Feature Cleaner if this suits your feature that will work quickly and effectively!
We have other great Care and Maintenance Products on our UK Water Features website such as our Fountian Fresh that is available in Regular or Natural. These products are easy to use and will give results almost instantly! Simply add some of the solution to the water and see it work its magic!