UK Water Features - Building Your Own Low-Budget Water Feature

The sight and sound of flowing water in your garden can be a great ambiance transformer. It can be a simple bubble pond or a complex design of cascading water, either way a water feature is guaranteed to enhance the look good and feel good factor of your garden by several notches. The most important task is to choose your site carefully. Once it is up and running, moving a water feature can be time-consuming and expensive.

According to gardening experts, the best place for water features is a shaded area which is adequately protected from strong wind. At the same time, it must be in a place where visitors can look at it from a close range and appreciate its enchanting beauty. It is easy to put together a water feature if you have an elementary knowledge of how this sort of stuff works. The system that circulates water through the feature such as the reservoir, the pump and other decorative elements can be ordered online or brought from a store that sells garden fittings and accessories.

You can assemble your own water feature on a limited budget by deciding on the design factor and the type of water recycling you want to display in your garden. There are different varieties available such as free-standing, flush with the ground and wall mounted. The basic kit is a reservoir for holding water, a submersible pump and some attachments if you want to create a fountain effect. The pump will work ceaselessly but the reservoir will require topping up because of spills caused by many factors such as wind or warm weather.

It is eminently possible to build a water feature in less than a day and for less than £100. You can of course go for more expensive features such as costly rocks or a millstone which will set you back by double that amount. A raised water feature can be created with a wall mounted fountain and can be slightly costlier than the basic model.

You will need a medium-sized pump, a fountain head, a reservoir tank, cobbles and hose of varying lengths. A submersible pump is the best one to use and also the safest option when all connections are waterproof and double-checked for defects.

You must keep in mind that water and electricity is a lethal combination. The mains connection must therefore be secured and protected. Plastic conduits can be used to keep wires insulated.