In Late Summer Bring Your Garden Closer To Home
As we start getting less daylight we also start getting cooler evenings. We tend to stay closer to the comfort of our homes. Keep enjoying your gardens by putting your potted plants and flowers close to your patio and bring lighting closer. If you have solar lights bring them closer into your patio or sitting area.
If you have a window you often are looking out, please bring some plants and lights closer for viewing so you may still enjoy what you have grown throughout the summer.
Embrace the sight and sounds of your bird baths, water falls or any other running water by putting a small solar spot light under them. For your sound effects, purchase an in expensive baby monitor. You will be surprised at how relaxing and comforting it is to see and hear the happenings of your own yard under different outdoor garden lighting.
As winter does draw closer be sure to remove any motorised parts from your bird baths or water falls so as not to damage them by any frost or below freezing weather if you are not using a heating system in them.
Get pleasure out of what you have harvested for as long as you possibly can.
Early evenings don't stop the fragrance that you get from you hard summer days work.