Advantages of real Christmas trees to artificial

Mostly everyone likes to decorate for Christmas and for many a Christmas tree is a must but, sometimes it is hard to decide whether to purchase a real tree or buy an artificial tree.

Buying a real tree has several advantages in comparison to an artificial tree. When you buy a real tree, you can enjoy the fun and adventure of going to an outdoor fair or garden centre where they are selling lines of trees, and enjoy the wonderful aroma of fresh trees. When you’re there looking at them, you can also touch the trees to see which look and feel the freshest. As you wander through the trees you can enjoy times in the past when you did the same thing—maybe with your loved one or parents and once again relive the memory of that time.

Then, of course, once you bring the real tree home, you water the tree and then bring it in the house for decoration. This is the best part because you can decorate your real tree any way you want. This is your tree—your selection-- and as you put the ornaments on the tree, you can once again enjoy the aroma and beauty of a real tree. In addition, real trees release a good amount of oxygen into the air and real trees are renewable—they can be recycled and that is eco-friendly to the environment.