Battery Back Up Solar Water Features
As the technology used within solar panels has developed certain solar water features now have the option to operate on cloudy days, or even at night. This is courtesy of an inbuilt battery back-up system.
During the day the solar water feature uses direct sunlight to power the water pump, at the same time storing excess power into a built in battery pack. When the sun disappears behind clouds or sets at night the back-up system will then (if enabled) automatically begin powering the water pump and any associated lights for up to four hours.
The new battery back-up technology means that you can enjoy the relaxing flow of water in your garden for even longer and comes with the added benefit of no running costs.
Solar water features are perfect for adding to parts of a garden where running electrical cables may not be possible and require no electrical wiring. The majority of solar fountains can be removed from the packaging, filled with water and working in your garden within a matter of a few minutes.
The Jupiter Solar Pump is a great example of a quality solar pump kit with built in battery back up system. The solar panel not only power the pump but also four bright white LED lights.
Our most popular solar water feature with the battery back up technology built in is the Solar Buddha Fountain by Smart Solar, the market leader in the manufacture and supply of solar powered water features, solar pumps and solar garden lights across Europe.
This article was written by Water Bucket Walter