Naturally Sourced UK Slate Water Features
The use of natural slate garden features over the years has been somewhat over looked and you may find it a little hard to find much information on slate water features and their origin. Slate is commonly used in many well known items such as roof slate. In fact one of the most common uses of slate is in some unique designed water features.
Many of the water features that are made from natural slate are sourced right here in the UK. The use of slate in a unique range of slate monoliths, slate holloliths and slate pyramids are actual manufactured by hand in the welsh mountains. Click 'here' to see photos taken at our Quarry in Bangor, North Wales. Welsh Slate is based in North Wales and is the world's leading manufacturer of high quality roofing slate, architectural and aggregate slate products. The durability of welsh slate is one of its key benefits whether you are designing a landscape masterpiece, building or even a water feature for your garden the slate provides you with a guarantee that it will withstand the natural elements. Welsh slate with its professional lines and versatile characteristics offers you the most beautiful balance of elegance and durability. Whether your garden is a contemporary or a traditional design, Welsh slate is in fact one of the few natural products which gives you a constant balance across a variety of designs. One of the more popular garden slate water features is the 4ft Drilled Slate Monolith which boasts a large naturally drilled piece of slate exclusively designed for you. All the slate water features here at UK Water Features are hand made here in the UK from Welsh Slate and are pre-drilled offering every single monolith to be completely unique.
UK Water Features has a huge range of garden summer essentials ranging from garden lighting, garden buildings, bbq's and water features.