Yorkshire represented for the 9th year running at the Chelsea Flower Show
This year’s Chelsea Flower Show has gotten off to a great start. Yesterday was opening day at the show and while many of us sat and watched the event on the television there were some lucky people who were able to get their hands on some tickets for the event. It was nice to see that for the 9th year in a row, Yorkshire was represented as one of the featured gardens.
'The Leeds Garden' was on show down in London yesterday and attracted thousands of spectators who were influenced by this magnificent garden design.
Description of garden
A slice of Yorkshire in Chelsea, a stone mill house complete with waterwheel is surrounded by semi-naturalistic planting, evoking old industrial Leeds. With areas of dry and damp shade the planting is more tamed and 'gardened' close to the building and, as you get further away, increasingly wild containing native species which will support local flora and fauna. An old boundary wall with ferns tucked into the stonework and large loniceras cloaking other boundary surfaces make this an intimate space which appears to have been here for years and that's Martin's aim, through sound, sight and scent, to create an atmosphere of days gone by. However it's not just looking to the past when the power of water built cities like Leeds, but also the future and water's potential role in the supply of sustainable energy.-BBC
The designer of the garden was influenced with his deisgn by the his love for his home town and heritage. Watermills were directly referenced as reference point for the design. The use of the watermill is a fantastic idea to create a unique water feature within this creative garden design.
List of plants planned to feature in garden
Geranium robertianum - Herb robert
Geranium macrorrhizum - Big-root Crane's bill
Menyanthes trifoliata - Bogbean
Myosotis scorpioides - Water forget-me-not
Primula bulleyana - Bulley's primrose (candelabra primulas)
Crataegus monogyna - Hawthorn
Acer campestre - Field maple
Alchemilla mollis - Lady's mantle
Lychnis flos-cuculi 'White Robin'
Thuja plicata - western red cedar
Viburnum opulus - guelder rose
Everyone here at UK Water Features wishes Paul Ackroyd and Martin Walker the designers of the Leeds Garden this year at the Chelsea Flower Show the best of luck.