Homemade Christmas decorations

Every year Christmas seems to sneak up on me. I think I have everything under control that I am on top of the shopping and decorating and travel plans and then I check my calendar and realise it is not in fact still November but December and I am very, very behind. This year I am getting a jump start on the decorating and making some of my own decorations. Here are a few of the simple and easy decorations that I have made and you should be able to make too with just a couple of hours and some simple items.

One of the things I like to make every year is a stocking countdown calendar. I take a clothes line and 25 fun coloured kids socks and iron in the dates counting down to Christmas. I then hang them over the fire place and fill each one with a small treat. As the days count down the kids get to take a stocking off and get a sweat treat!

Another easy idea is Christmas magnets. You can cut out your favourite Christmas decorations, angels, trees or snowflakes out of heavy duty cardboard and glue them to magnets to make your fridge festive. This is the perfect way to display all those Christmas cards you will be receiving!