The Urban Garden Trend For Those With Limited Space To Grow
Have you always fancied growing your own fruit and vegetables but never really had the space of a large open garden?
Urban gardens are slowly becoming more popular and enables everyone to utilise any available space and transform a neglected disused corner into a kitchen garden full of a variety of culinary delights.
Urban gardens allow people with limited time and space the opportunity to live a healthier and self-sufficient lifestyle through transforming patios, window sills, roof tops, balconies and walls.
Empty food containers can be upcycled and reused to plant seeds and re-pot plants which is cost effective and eco-friendly reducing the waste going to landfill. Empty tins are perfect for growing lettuce, herbs and seedlings.
The variety of produce you are able to grow will depend on the number of hours of sunlight the area will enjoy. Even if your urban garden is not south facing there is still a wide range of crops which thrive in shadier environments including lettuce, spinach, broccoli, beetroot, watercress and parsley are but a few.
If you have a balcony but don’t want to obstruct the floor space, utilising the wall space is a fantastic option for either trough planters or individual pot planters. They require minimal time and patience after a long day at the office.
If you want to go a step further and create an organic patch, then planting produce such as coriander, dill and fennel will attract ladybirds and lacewings which will save your veggies from pests and aphids.
offer for cheap seeds
UK Water Features have a variety of space saving planting solutions in order to maximise your outdoor space and kind on your wallet. Wall planters start at just £16.99 and window sill planters at £6.99
Follow the organic gardener’s blog for help, tips and inspiration on all your growing projects.